
Game crashes seconds after joining a server

Well, it's in the title really. The game just crashes seconds after joining a match, regardless of the side I join, or whether I'm spectating or not. I know my specs are good enough, but I'll include them here:

Processor: AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD graphics 3.9GHz

Installed RAM: 8.00GB (7.20GB usable)

System type: 64-bit Operating system x64-based processor.

OS: Windows 10

I'll also add the error files, and I'll keep experimenting throughout the night.

EDIT: It appears the issue is only with mountainside and riverside. Cliffside works though.

EDIT: It's completely random with every other map besides mountainside and riverside, which is a guaranteed crash.

7 replies

Very odd, did you have any trouble downloading the game? Windows defender? Anti-virus etc?


Nope. I installed it twice and both times it had the same issue


Any update? Come to the chat so we can look at it together.


Same thing happens to me.

my processor is an AMD A4-5300 APU with Radeon(tm) Hd Graphics 3.40 Ghz


maybe incompatiblity or something 

Check new upate now


How long until the next patch? I'm having the same problem as Pparadza.

Trying to get it out within a week

check new update now @Seth

See if this works now in version 78
