Modding Support to Help Player Retention

I didn't think about this at the time and I don't know too much about developing games, but I know that modding support keeps a game alive. Just look at Fallout, Skyrim, and Left 4 Dead to an extent.

A good recent example is Teardown. The game had about 600 players daily and on March 4th when the steam workshop was added it jumped to 2,000+ players and 3,000+ the next day. Now there are around 1,800 players daily.

It would also mean less work for the devs. If someone made a good gun mod or something like that a map maker could put it in their map or a lobby host could tune the lobby so everyone spawns with it. If the gun is well balanced and fits the game well the dev could then add it into the game as an actual weapon.

Modding support for the game is something that would help my previous post about player retention.