My game doesn't launch
So i stopped playing the game a long time ago due to a bug (I assume) where my game wouldn't launch. I have returned to play the game recently and the same issue occurs.However the game has launched on versions between the last time i had the problem and now so i have been able to play. Loading occurs on my mouse but no error message or anything. I have not got windows defender on.
I have redownloaded the game several times to attempt to fix this but nothing seems to work.
Any help is appreciated.
Riverside Rail Killl
heli button bug
if you press the heli button on MS to fast the helicopter will not be called in
LMS zones do not render on cam stick
If you use a camstick to look at a lms zone they do not render.
Cant login
I just got the game and im trying to login in game but its not working, password is the same as on the website. do i only have to use letters and numbers? if it helps pings for around 20 before telling me i cant login.
Occlusion problem in b2 gallery
Stand in the corner of the first window frame from the rocks and jump.
Jumping Glitch (Camera-related?)
When you jump in a certain spot on riverside (gallery window frames), you can see through the map while props disappear, including inside vent shafts. Bug found by montresor and Asper29. Thank you rob!
radio stays activated after being knocked down
your radio will stay activated after being ragdolled from: falling, being pushed, or slipping
Grenade Guntuck
if someone swings a door at you while you have a grenade out it guntucks you, but it also continues the animation making you think your grenade is fine. Works on walls too not exclusive to doors
The Lion, the Witch, and the Soda Machine
With the help of teammates or explosives, you can force yourself into the vending/soda machines in the B2 breakroom (upstairs). From there, you can see outside the machine as if it were one-way glass, and shoot out. Furthermore, you can get pushed/explode yourself even further backwards into the wall separating the breakroom and the back rocks/water. This wall is thick enough to walk in, and you can roam around in the walls of building 2. From inside, you have a view of a large portion of B2, and can shoot and grenade these visible areas while remaining untouchable.
Detailed procedure:
You can jump upwards while playing the "falling hands" animation by holding space a little before.
Banned on private room.
I was messing around with friends in a private room, and I was banned for team killing. I was the creator and admin of the server, didn't even know it could happen.
The ban doesn't specify when it will end. I could not log in again to create another room or play with my friends again. I did not see any options when creating a room for disabling bans.
This is a very poorly implemented feature. I was never warned of being banned and now I can't play your game. Please fix this immediately.
My account name is: Zach1575
Minor Door Issues - Riverside
The bathroom stall doors don't have a scroll wheel tool tip. The door frame (near Lab C) leading into garage has a scroll wheel tool tip, even though there isn't a door.
Freeze/Crash during a game
My game became unresponsive while I was playing a game on Mountainside. I wasn't doing anything in particular (just walking around in the basement), however the helicopter was currently doing a bombing run. Attached is the log, hopefully its useful.
Custom room names not being displayed
All custom room names are being replaced by "{playername}'s room." on the server browser.
Death collider boxes on custom maps completely broken.
As of the first Steam update, death colliders, at least on custom maps, are entirely nonfunctional. (This means that on TrainHeist players can safely jump off of the train and on HelixArena they can step off of the map and fall forever, never dying.)
C4 exploding bug
I placed down a C4 in a hallway, and was camsticking it, waiting for an enemy. At some point I accidentally pressed right click but I never let go, therefore the c4 never blew up. Someone threw a nade and I got ragdolled, and when I got back up, the C4 instantly blew up without any sound or green light and without any further button inputs
Heres a GIF of the bug happening