C4 in the inventory is not the new model
The C4 icon in the inventory is still the old gray brick instead of the new high quality c4, fix pls, game is unplayable until this is fix /s
Unreachable C4 spot
On mountainside, the staircase up to the roof has a slope on the stairs to keep the camera steady while going up the stairs, instead of the view jittering up and down and what not. Because of this slope, c4 and sensors can get into little cracks of the staircase and be undisarmable by the player, which makes certain rigs quite literally impossible to disable.
Heres a screenshot of a c4 in that spot
Sprint Energy Drain double-ticking
For some reason, as of Steam Build, sprint energy drain is double-ticking frequently, meaning 80->78 instead of 80->79. It's not 100% of the time, but it happens frequently. Also, potentially decrease drain rate by some % for ease of use for now.
SMG and Pistol have wrong colors within inventory
Currently, when you open your inventory it shows a the older color of the two weapons. It should be updated with the proper black-ish versions of them. Check it out on the most recent build.
Unable to launch Intruder on Windows 19H1 preview build due to EAC error
I'm in the Windows Insider program, and with the upcoming release of Windows, 19H1 the game fails to launch with EAC saying "Forbidden Windows kernel modification detected". I'm specifically using build 18334, which at the current time of this ticket is the build available in the "Fast" ring of Windows Insider program. Screenshot is attached.
At first I thought it was a known issue, as there's currently issues with BattleEye, but I don't see any issues surrounding EAC.
'X' on EAC splash screen won't exit game when launching
When you boot up Intruder, there is a splash screen which loads EAC. The X at the top right of the splash screen doesn't actually work when trying to close the game or exit the process for that matter. Minor complaint but something that'd be nice if I didn't mean to launch it just yet.
Unable to close out game
As of recently, I am unable to close out of the game completely and Steam continues to say it's running, yet it's not and I cannot find the executable to close it out completely.
"Lost balance, when ready press jump to stand up"
Both teams spawned into a match on Cliffside, but the score board was broken and nobody could perform any action besides moving, jumping, crouching and talking on the radio and through proximity. We could not equip any weapons. Across the screen was the message "lost balance, when ready press jump to stand up" accompanied by some sort of a scope icon on the HUD. Deciding to end it all, both teams threw themselves from the balcony into the desert but survived. Eventually everyone timed out. I should note that the Cliffside we voted on was at the top of the
Unable to play multiplayer
I launch the game, then go to multiplayer and then I get into an authentication issue. I have tried reinstalling and verifying the cache on steam.
Unable to select map for lobby creation...
As shown in video I try to create a lobby with a map however options are not shown.
Strange menu shifting bug
Randomly in the middle of a match players on the leaderboard will be strangely shifted.
Also for me and Tokentiko (who don't have any info about ping or upvotes on the playerlist, it shows us as Rob Storm
and lastly, for anyone in the game it seems to show everyone as offline.
Even for people who don't have the rob storm player profile glitch.
Real strange and puzzling, the only thing that I think could be related is that I play on 3440x1440 21:9 fullscreen
Edit: Rejoining fixed it but it still shows everyone including me as offline.
Failing to authenticate.
Whenever I try to open the server browser it constantly fails to authenticate.
Sniper rifle bug/glitch (Possibly game breaking with the way it works)
With a sniper rifle, you can see through walls if close enough, you can also shoot through walls picture shown here https://gyazo.com/b52fc4eaeadeca6a939de4e4d750f334
Video on how to recreate bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCMxWQ0Q1-o
Racist voice chat
two players in a game in Riverside, using racial slurs and ‘there are black people outside’ over the radio
Crash - Cliffsidenight
I was playing on Cliffsidenight, and I was proned on a little ledge beneath the Intruder spawn. I was holding out the smg and crawling forward, stutter stepping in a sense as I was tapping W out of boredom.
Riot shield pushes objects
I’m not a big fan of the riot shield just pushing everything out of it’s way. On Cliffside, you can get a riot shield and walk into a truck, which pushes it into the air and gives you a good hiding spot if you go under it.
Bloon Discord bot's .agent function reports player's old statistics from pre-steam and *might* not recognize new players
Not related to ingame functionality, but the discord bot is now reporting incorrect statistics on players based on old data, e.g my 94 rep was from before the steam wipe, now I have 5, but bloon still reports 94.
Team kill
Have some problem with the team kill cause i was walking and i died for tem kill
i didn't shoot