Spies Vs Mercs esque Gamemode

If anyone has played the Pandora Tomorrow/Chaos Theory multiplayer, or the MGO gamemode (I can't think of it's name), you'll know what I'm going for with this.

The game mode would work where the Intruders have no lethal weapons, just gadgets like banana, smoke grenade, gas grenade, cam, etc. Whereas the Guards get all lethal weapons. The briefcase/hack objectives work fine because that's how Splinter Cell and MGO played out.

This forces the Intruder (spy) team to use a lot more communication and team/stealth tactics. I think it would add an interesting way to play whereas right now both teams are basically equal unless it's Mountainside.

Sub idea that could come with it:

Stun/tranquilizer gun for the spy team?

3 replies


This is why I bought this game. When I read the store description, it reminded me of this so strongly. While I am a bit disappointed its not that, its still a pretty neat game.

But yea, I strongly insist that you ape from that game mode as much as possible. 


The idea is pretty good, but for this to work and to be balanced, the guards/mercs should not be able to do some of the more acrobatic things like jumping or climbing, and go into vents. Stuff like that would need to be intruder only, and it would be more like the splintercell gamemode too.


When making custom maps you can actually select what items the guards and intruders spawn with. Someone could easily make a map for this gamemode.