Small zone where parts of the level disappear
The ledge outside the large office on B1 has a small zone where if you move into it, everything seems to disappear. I've attached two screenshots to shot the area and the effect when moving into it.
Physics objects that are disabled at the beginning of the round (via activator) will seemingly not reset via reset proxy.
I have several objects that are breakable and rely on enabling physics objects that were hidden via script at the beginning of the round. These will work perfectly for the first round of a match. However, every round after their initial activation, the physics objects will spawn in the position they were in at the end of the previous round. I believe this is probably the activator disabling the object before the reset proxy can place it at its original position. Settings for one of the objects in question: http://puu.sh/p2CDP/2295618916.png
Concussion Grenades thrown while falling (Including the descent of a jump) will go through floors.
Most notable when falling large distances, or the floor is far away.
Smoke grenades do not trigger laser sensors.
Explosive charges, gas grenades, concussion grenades, bullets, and sensors set them off, but not smoke. Could possibly be linked to why smoke grenades do not do headshots.
Scrunching will make your player appear to be aiming at a different spot.
From the scrunched shooter's perspective they have to aim up and left in order for the other person to think they are being looked at.
Where I have to aim in order for seventh to think I am shooting him. Distance ~10 yds