Show Teammates' Names Above Their Head At Start of Round
At the start of a round, it'd be nice to see your teammates' names above their head for the first 5-ish seconds so you can better plan your intrusion or defense. Obviously enemies' names won't be shown and the names won't be visible through walls. This would help with teamwork as players can immediately see their teammates and say stuff like, "Moon, you get the sniper and take the roof. Roswell, you and I will take vents and go for the briefcase. Sammy, take garden and enter through the bathrooms."
I've been playing with my friend for awhile and every match we have to kinda wait until everyone clears out of spawn to recognize each other. This would help us immediately see which routes our teammates are going from spawn, and we could give better callouts as we're more likely to know who on our team is where.