Interactive Radio
More operations for the radio like set tones (Received, help etc) or a panic button for the people who are mute or unable to talk.
a new gadget to work with the camera on the stick: a smartphone or a device with a screen where you can see the camera perspective, not having a screen on the top right showing you
Color Coordination on character models
Have a colored sash or patch that allows people to quickly identify team members akin to games like CSGO or Among Us.
How about cameraman role?
Lets say there is a 5v5 but there is also an extra 1 player on the team, but he is a camera man and gives info to teammates. He can't shoot or move, but he gives intel. The camera man could change each round. So that means players don't get bored doing the same thing.
Join a server as a party
Allowing players to be performed by servers to be put on the same teams by forming a party before joining would be really cool for people who enjoy playing as a group. This could be accomplished by allowing the server upon map switch to already display all of the members of the party on a team before they even connect so that auto-balance wouldn't even be needed. An easier implementation would be to just auto-balance the teams such that as many parties are satisfied as possible. The server browser could also display servers that do not have space for your
Addon to jole's suggestion
if you scroll up you can see a suggestion about gas masks. I have an idea to make these a little bit more balanced, you should make it so that if you have the gas mask you cannot ads kind of like how battlefield 1 does it
Slide Skins
Ayo I don't have any big ideas, but I just think if we had green and red variants to the Blue/Orange/Purple slide skins that would be swag
Doorkicking mechanic to breach rooms
Doorkicking unlocked doors to fling them open. Maybe even knock you down if you’re on the wrong side of the door.
Rappel go along ^
You can have 3 rappels at max and after you use one it'll be a seperate model making it stationary so everyone can use the previous one you just did, this can also be an alert for the guards to know intruders have past by.
Model culling for player models when clipping through other models
Player models can poke out through thinner models or walls, which can be detrimental when people get spotted through thin structures because their model was sticking out unknowingly.
I don't know how feasible this is but games like CSGO do something similar by culling the part of the model sticking into something else, meaning you'll rarely if ever spot someone because the corner they were in happened to be part of thin cover.
Alarm is activated after suitcase is stolen
The issue: Guard: As a guard, you can be sitting defending a suitcase just for the other one to be stolen without you knowing. You are then presented with a very lacklustre "suitcase extracted" message and that's the end of the round. Quite boring, right? Spy: As a spy, after you manage to pick up the suitcase, it is usually a simple task of backtracking your steps to an exfil point. Not much stress at all. My suggestion: After a cooldown of 5 seconds or so, an alarm should be activated. Guard: It will let you know that you need to change
More focus on expanding mapmaking tools
The post above sounds like it could be fun on some maps which where specifically designed for it, but not overall. Instead of changing the entire game for one mechanic, allow for easier implementation of it into user maps.
Maps like Mountainside which where made years ago would still remain relevant as new mechanics wouldn't render it unplayable or less fun.
In a perfect world, anyone can make their own goober grenade hell.
I am not a mapmaker so excuse my ignorance if this is not possible.
add a campaign to the game
if you add a campaign you could add aspects on how to clear doors or trick the enemy plus you could add bots add you could get xp for it and helpful tips and you can give the game more lore
Crouch jumping can be a hassle and can get in the way a lot of the time. A vault key that is useable when near a "vault-able" surface could be a work around for awkward movement. Pressing it would send the user into an un-cancellable animation that would end once players were on the other side of the object. Animation timing and duration could of course be changed for balancing.
Spectate Mode Improvement
Not only first person spectating (I know that idea has been mentioned many times), but also the sorting of players via the same team. It's annoying seeing one person on your team alive, and you scroll through the list of players only to find there is another teammate alive as well. It's a bit of a niche, so I wouldn't really expect for this one to be covered in an update.
Spectate to the person who killed you
I would like to have instant feedback on who killed me after death. Normally I have to free camera to the spot to see, who killed me.