Top Ideas

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    Improve layer documentation on wiki

    QDogg · 0 · Posted

    I think a map maker spends as much time wondering about the layers as the time one could write the documentation about the layers. There are a lot of layers, so it seems like a lot is possible with layers, so a map maker spends a lot of time trying to research about the layers, which is a waste of time for a map maker. Also the layer names are not accurate, so a documentation would be nice. "Terrain2". Then the "IgnoreBullet" ignores bullets, but also throwables, explosions and your gun when ads.

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    Bullet penetration

    robit200 · 0 · Posted

    Bullets not penetrating thorught limbs making prone op, since you hold your hands infront of your head it makes it hard to headshot.

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    mcferginson · 0 · Posted

    Have a melee option like a knife, that can be used to silently kill players, but the downside should be that It should take different damgage depending on where the person being stabbed is facing, and the player has to get close to stab them.

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    Hands-free radio

    Daniel Edmonsond · 0 · Posted

    Instead of pulling it up as a weapon, just use the F key to transmit like the C key is used for proximity chat.

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    Communication etiquette

    Daniel Edmonsond · 0 · Posted

    Please, put more info in the tutorial about proper comms etiquette and the importance of communication. Maybe something about avoiding external voice and text chat also. A few times now I've Swiss-cheesed a teammate because I saw a silhouette, asked on the radio if it was one of ours, and got silence. Couldn't chance it, so I took the shot, THEN they found their F key. Hit a friendly once because I set up some remote explosives out of view (that's the point of motion sensors, after all) and I had no idea where they were because no one said

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    Make the words on a note display on the model

    CaptnGav · 0 · Posted

    you should make it so that instead of having to interact with a note to see what is on it you can just look at the note and whatever text is on it just displays on the note itself. this could make it so you can use the camera stick, balloon and binoculers be able to see the code

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    Add gloves skins

    ma_vor · 0 · Posted

    I suggest adding gloves skins about the same as in CSGO.

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    Queue system

    ProGunAntiLife · 0 · Posted

    Please add a queue system, its super frustrating when theres only one server online in your region that also isnt passworded, and its full, so you have to sit there for 30 minutes spamming refresh waiting for someone to leave. Please, For the love of all things holy, Add a queue system.

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    Add looking to play text channel in discord

    QDogg · 0 · Posted

    Benefits: 1) We can create pinned messages, where we schedule events, this easies organising 10v10 matches or matches, where map makers can collectively test each others maps for example. 2) Removes spam from intruder-general. 3) New discorders know immediately, where to go, if they are looking for players. 4) If you are not in ltp category and want to suddenly play, the looking to play messages are not lost in other general related chitchat 5) Lower threshold to ask people to play as you are not interrupting people and their chitchat in #intruder-general

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    Intruder Chrome Extension | Making players' levels visible

    Fernando Martinez · 0 · Posted

    It would be great if on the chrome extension for Intruder we could see the player level of the players that would currently be playing on the servers. Players' levels are usually a deciding factor on whether I join or leave a server. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    Post Round Time Period (Optional)

    Adam · 0 · Posted

    Would love to have an option to have a post round period after each round, where all players are in spectator mode and are able to communicate with each other to have a quick breakdown of the events of that particular round.

    This system is used in games like Trouble in Terrorist Town where between rounds there's usually a 30 second break in play to discuss what had just happened in the previous round.

    When playing with friends, we prefer not to use DIscord to play this game as it's more fun using in-game communication and it would be great

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    Map Maker Stick Cam Toggle

    Quartz Trooper · 0 · Posted

    It should be an option somewhere in the map maker to be able to choose whether or not a player has a stick cam available to them or not. Stick cams are not necessary for *every* community-made map, and more customization within map maker is always good.

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    Game controlls and Player feedback

    Laurens · 0 · Posted

    I think it would be nice to add the option to switch between toggle and hold in settings for various things like croutching aiming sprinting etc..., I also think it would be nice to have some kind of player feedback when hitting and or killing an enemy however I do understand the game is supposed to be stealthy and realistic in some ways, and that this might go in against what you guys as game developers have in mind for your game, but I do believe there are some ways you could still provide feedback like sounds coming from the

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    Implement server browser while in-game.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    Let server browser be available from menu while joined to a game session. Current work-around is to load up from external browser/Steam browser.

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    Implement scrolling for text chat.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    If text chat box is active, then allow chat history to be scrolled (up to n lines) via mouse scrollwheel, PgUp/PgDn, and mouse-draggable scrollbar.

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    Map voting dialogue list should clearly mark maps that are not locally downloaded.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    One may wish to join a match that doesn't require waiting for a custom map to download--this is particularly significant when one has a slower internet connection. Please consider clearly indicating whenever a map in the list is not locally available.

    Example implementation using icons:

    • ✔ U+2714 -- Heavy Check Mark (on hover: "content installed")
    • 🡇 U+1F847 -- Downwards Heavy Arrow (on hover: "content available for download—xxx MiB")
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    Current pose HUD indicator.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    Consider displaying current player pose as a HUD indicator (i.e. silhouette)--it is sometimes difficult to ascertain current state, which is important in gameplay that revolves around stealth. Some corridors even force one to be crouched or prone.

    This may be as simple as a profile body view of standing--crouched--prone. It could perhaps even be more complex and display a front body view that also shows leaning status (e.g. System Shock 1 HUD).

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    Objective screen should show map name and mode.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    Yes, it is displayed in the corner of the Team tab (not the most obvious place to find it), but it makes more sense to display it prominently at the top of the Objective tab.

    e.g. "Riverside—Raid", "Target—Training"

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    More obvious indication of current team while in-game.

    2MgoN367UgZm · 0 · Posted

    It can be easy to mistake your current team, especially as a newer player. Sometimes, I find myself momentarily confused after a team swap or joining a game mid-set. There could perhaps be better, immediate indication as to the current team one is playing on. E.g. subtle color-scheming in HUD, or even more drastic team-specific HUD "window dressing", etc.