Cannot unequip hats in game
Friends had put on hats in the game and were unable to remove them.
If you die close to (before) the beginning of a new round, your body spawns but you are still dead.
Essentially, the title. I have had a plethora of rounds where I have died after the winning team is announced for a round, whether it be by suicide, TK, or getting killed by the enemy team. Upon the new round beginning, my playermodel then spawns; however, I am then in spectator mode for the round. My model can be spectated as if not counted as dead, but as far as players are considered if my teammates die and I do not, then the enemy team still wins. Also, I can use the proximity chat to talk to nearby teammates (to the
Team Limits (aka Autobalance) isnt working just after map is loaded
Just after server loaded a map, Team Limits cant handle amount of requests to join teams.
(ex. 8 people can join Intruders and 0 Guards)
tree xray on Moutainside
you can Xray when looking at a tree at a specific angle it works around that specific tree on the left side of my reticle you can see the door inside not sure if this works on other maps or trees
Cant find map by UUID, causing frequent disconnects
Cant join most servers on first try, and it disconnects me on map switch. it says "Error joining, Couldn't join room by UUID. Timed out"
Point Dot-Not working as intended
The Point Dot is a Red dot sight variation, while equiped, it does not display the proper Red Dot shape that the image implies it has, in stead, it "cuts" the lines on the left and right from the center of the reticle, it is only properly displayed when aiming the gun from side to side rapidly.
item cache
can not scroll down to look at items in cache the game seems to scroll up as i try.
Possible bug when picking up briefcase while inside capture zone.
Hi, in a match a teammate dove into the capture zone with a briefcase, but died on impact and the briefcase was just outside the capture point. A second teammate stood in the capture zone and grabbed the package but nothing happened. He had to walk out of the capture point then walk back in for it to register.
Driver Timeout
After a couple minutes of playing, the screen freezes and the game crashes. I then see a report by AMD saying the a driver timeout was detected. It's strange because I'm able to run other games just fine (CS:GO, TF2, etc.). Is it just my end? Any help would be appreciated.
Player position desync - causing you to be shot across the map from victim's local position
Kind of difficult to articulate, but I'll try. I'm unsure if this is caused by my connection, or the shooter's connection, or a bug.
Two different instances I have been killed and my body warps across the map to "where I was shot" but is nowhere near where I was on my screen, or I had been in that position 30 seconds prior.
The first instance was on mountainside: I walked from the roof stairs to the security room. I was then shot and killed, with my body warping back from security room all the way to the door
Exiting the game
Please fix the issue of the game crashing whenever we exit the game. I have to force close the game each time i want to close it.
My friend is having a problem, when the game ends and the map changes, he can no longer enter the server he was on.
My friend is having a problem, when the game ends and the map changes, he can no longer enter the server he was on. He tried to check the integrity of the files, reinstall the game, and nothing. He can create another map normally, but each time the map restarts he is disconnected and cannot enter that server again.
microphone won't work suddenly
for some reason now intruder doesnt pick up anything from my mic, it used to work perfectly fine but i checked which input i used and i also tried to reinstall the game but no luck
The game won't run in my monitors resolution(2560 x 1080), is there a way to fix this?
Riverside elevator display stuck on floor 2
The display showing the current floor in the elevator on riverside always shows floor 2
No sounds in the game
The is no sounds in the game and it is no possible to select a microphone for setting up and communicating with players. In other games, the sounds is there and works correctly everywhere, the game was reinstalled 4 times and checked the files for damage, but no problems were found. It just doesn't work. Help please
camera save function
I think the new ui update broke the camera save function because it no longer takes screenshots
The JP and Asia server is unstable in CN, any p2p possibility?
Sometimes I got kicked for a suddenly 200ms ping in Asia server or can't even host the game.
Any ideas will be appreciated.