Game freezes after joining a Team on Riverside
In the new update (Version 69), after joining a team my game immediately freezes, although, the game will only freeze on the map "Riverside". I can spectate, but when I join either Guard or Intruder the game will freeze.
Bought game last year can't download it now
I bought Intruder a while back when it was just released now when i log in it just shows me the store page with no download links, account name dannymazz
Can't shoot through stair gaps on B2
Screenshots show some floating bullet marks on the invisible ramps.
Small zone where parts of the level disappear
The ledge outside the large office on B1 has a small zone where if you move into it, everything seems to disappear. I've attached two screenshots to shot the area and the effect when moving into it.
Multiple Bugs - Oceanside
Discord - Niko
Trees near the garage, you can stand on, providing a non feasible jump to the roof leading to rear balcony, and it masks the player in leaves. Also, you can jump from the small raised gray area to the corner of the wood with ease.
Multiple c4 Jumps
You can stand on alot of doors - also a bad issue on riverside. You can normally just jump on them, or open the door, jump on it, and close all the way.
Here's the big one we tested together - If you shoot the code lock
Minor errors - riverside
Its basically a perfect map - but here are a collection of crudely drawn photos
Mic Setup
My mic setup keeps breaking, I have to uninstall and reinstall the game every time I try to boot it up in order to fix it. If I don't do this I can't hear anyone nor say anything.
Invisible deathwall behind B2 on Riverside
it needs to be pushed back. it's too easy to get naded or c4'd off the balcony, rocks, back stairs, or even out of some level of the gallery and hit it and die without real cause.
When I try to launch the game from the .exe nothing happens and the .exe deletes itself.
The .exe disappears and before when I first tried it earlier it told me it failed to start because it's a virus or unwanted software?
Mountainside Tunnel Exploit
If you go to the main drop point on right stage and go to the right side of the tunnel, going prone will let you see underneath it. You might be able to shoot underneath it too.
Minor lockpick UI issues when you turn off the hud
Using the lockpick while your hud is turned off, (using Q + P) causes the lock picking hud to act strangely
It's been reproducible for me 100% of the time without hud
energy gain while pushing enemy
Two times pushing over enemies on viotechs custom map yachtside i pushed enemies and gained exactly 50 energy for doing so, I have only noticed this happening sometimes on yachtside in that one long session.
Why do i always get the weird bugs?
C4 jumping is still doable...
Okay, it's viotech3 here, but I'm here to report that C4 jumping is still doable, and it's 100% reproducable.
Put 1 or 4 C4 down. you *can* do this with 2, but it's fiddly. 3 C4 kills you 99.9% of the time. 4 is likewise gimmicky. 1 is safe 100% of the time.
So, normally c4 kills you when you jump. However, if you ragdoll+explode the c4 at the same time, you get launched and take no damage. This means it's easily reproducible. However, note, this might not be easy to fix without screwing over ragdolls. As of right
Mside undermap exploit, not severe
Take the zipline near the bridge-booth, drop down at the mortar.
Walk down the cliff, and right where the terrain with the mortar on it meets the rocks, there's a rock that's missing the SuperSlippery tag. That's about it. Fixing that will solve the problem.
Game crashes seconds after joining a server
Well, it's in the title really. The game just crashes seconds after joining a match, regardless of the side I join, or whether I'm spectating or not. I know my specs are good enough, but I'll include them here:
Processor: AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD graphics 3.9GHz
Installed RAM: 8.00GB (7.20GB usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating system x64-based processor.
OS: Windows 10
I'll also add the error files, and I'll keep experimenting throughout the night.
EDIT: It appears the issue is only with mountainside and riverside. Cliffside works though.
EDIT: It's completely random with every other map besides mountainside
Pressing R repeatedly when throwing a projectile will cause it to not be thrown
When throwing a grenade, smoke grenade, gas grenade, C4, laser sensor, banana, or the decoy, while spamming R during the animation, the object will not be thrown or placed. This does not effect the ammo count of the object.
Supression occurs while shooting windows when standing too close
While standing next to a window or glass, your character becomes suppressed while shooting through the glass. The bullet travels through the glass which doesn't make much sense. The pistol doesn't cause as much suppression as the SMG while testing this.
Sniper Spawns Too Early [Mountainside]
Version 75:
Map with Bug: Mountainside
How many times does problem occur: About everytime map switches into m-side, first round.
I keep seeing this happen. The sniper entity keeps spawning in as soon as the map starts. It's quickly there before it disappears for most rounds, but for some other ones, it stays there longer. This leaves it to be pick-up-able and usable as soon as the game "starts", no sniper-code required. I don't have a picture cause it's almost uncommon and it's only there quickly, but it gets a bit abusive looking when you kill 2 guards at
Cliffside Teleport Bug
Found this bug on cliffside at the balcony it did take about 20 tries and it can also put you on the top of the map:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKqpn-cEEUQ EDIT: if done of left rail u tp to top but die
Oceonside in wall
You can get into the bedroom wall in Oceanside by closing the main door on yourself