You don't state the timer for a ban ANYWHERE!
Why isn't there a timer for temporary bans?
is there a reason it isn't shown?
Unable to launch Intruder on Windows 19H1 preview build due to EAC error
I'm in the Windows Insider program, and with the upcoming release of Windows, 19H1 the game fails to launch with EAC saying "Forbidden Windows kernel modification detected". I'm specifically using build 18334, which at the current time of this ticket is the build available in the "Fast" ring of Windows Insider program. Screenshot is attached.
At first I thought it was a known issue, as there's currently issues with BattleEye, but I don't see any issues surrounding EAC.
Unable to select map for lobby creation...
As shown in video I try to create a lobby with a map however options are not shown.
Failing to authenticate.
Whenever I try to open the server browser it constantly fails to authenticate.
Custom room names not being displayed
All custom room names are being replaced by "{playername}'s room." on the server browser.
Cant login
I just got the game and im trying to login in game but its not working, password is the same as on the website. do i only have to use letters and numbers? if it helps pings for around 20 before telling me i cant login.
When tilting (Q & E), red dot glass won't follow + more
Whilst in some maps, the red dot glass doesn't display. You can't see it in most maps. Riverside and cliffside are some examples. When you can see the red dot glass and you press Q or E to lean from side to side, the glass will follow that tilt and not return until you switch your weapon or maybe even reload. Not to be confused with this topic: https://superbossgames.helprace.com/i83-red-dot-doesn-t-tilt
When a round ends or a tb round starts my game freezes and leaves the server.
When a round ends my game freezes and it leaves the server or when we switch sides.
Login problems
When setting a new password with - ~12~ chars - Caps included - English layout characters - numbers
cannot log in the game but can in the website/forum
Mic Setup
My mic setup keeps breaking, I have to uninstall and reinstall the game every time I try to boot it up in order to fix it. If I don't do this I can't hear anyone nor say anything.
Spooky alive-dead occurrences
When having a good laugh with some friends and playing something weird happened. I had been pushed off a ledge and died when I had hit the ground. However when Yabba had checked my body it said that I was dead, but I had turned blue as if I got arrested. Then he was able to hear me speak as I was dead. Meanwhile I was spectating and talking to Kahvikone. You can see a video of what happened here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lignGDClGk
Red dot doesn't tilt
The red dot marker stays in place when you lean while using red dot Vector http://i.imgur.com/FU8Kr2b.png
Banned on private room.
I was messing around with friends in a private room, and I was banned for team killing. I was the creator and admin of the server, didn't even know it could happen.
The ban doesn't specify when it will end. I could not log in again to create another room or play with my friends again. I did not see any options when creating a room for disabling bans.
This is a very poorly implemented feature. I was never warned of being banned and now I can't play your game. Please fix this immediately.
My account name is: Zach1575
Timeout/Disconnect when switched to master client
Everytime I play on a server whether it's empty or not I receive a Timeout/Disconnect error and get kicked out of the server whenever I'm given the Master Client.
This occurs on any server from any region even if I started it
Coming back to life after dying from being pushed off cliff by teammate.
I spawned in Mountainside on the Guards team, me and the team were having some "randomness" and someone pushed me off and I died, I pushed jump to go to spectate and as I was cycling through the players, it locked onto my "dead" body, I pushed space again and I sprang back to life but my HP, Energy and Balance bars were missing and the spectator camera was still working and you could see the spectator view if you looked into the sky, the skybox was basically gone and replaced by the spectator camera.