add a campaign to the game
if you add a campaign you could add aspects on how to clear doors or trick the enemy plus you could add bots add you could get xp for it and helpful tips and you can give the game more lore
Add an option to turn the HUD off for all players when making a lobby
One step closer to a hardcore mode, would love to see this in the next update
Notify a player if they've been reported
As far as I know, there is no way for you to know if anybody has reported you or not. Since these can lead to demotions, I think some sort of notification for being reported would be good to let players know that they are doing something they shouldn't if they aren't aware of it.
More focus on expanding mapmaking tools
The post above sounds like it could be fun on some maps which where specifically designed for it, but not overall. Instead of changing the entire game for one mechanic, allow for easier implementation of it into user maps.
Maps like Mountainside which where made years ago would still remain relevant as new mechanics wouldn't render it unplayable or less fun.
In a perfect world, anyone can make their own goober grenade hell.
I am not a mapmaker so excuse my ignorance if this is not possible.
Alarm is activated after suitcase is stolen
The issue: Guard: As a guard, you can be sitting defending a suitcase just for the other one to be stolen without you knowing. You are then presented with a very lacklustre "suitcase extracted" message and that's the end of the round. Quite boring, right? Spy: As a spy, after you manage to pick up the suitcase, it is usually a simple task of backtracking your steps to an exfil point. Not much stress at all. My suggestion: After a cooldown of 5 seconds or so, an alarm should be activated. Guard: It will let you know that you need to change
Model culling for player models when clipping through other models
Player models can poke out through thinner models or walls, which can be detrimental when people get spotted through thin structures because their model was sticking out unknowingly.
I don't know how feasible this is but games like CSGO do something similar by culling the part of the model sticking into something else, meaning you'll rarely if ever spot someone because the corner they were in happened to be part of thin cover.
Drop items whenever we want.
Simply allow players to drop their items, even if they’re arrested or ragdolled.
Different game modes
I don't really know if this has been asked before or is it planned already, but new game modes would be nice. For example, there should be like a Sandbox type mode where you can do whatever you want on whatever map you want and also if you die, you could respawn. There should be like a Stealthy Free for All mode, and like TDM mode where only way to win is by killing as much of the enemy team as possible, people respawn and team gets points by getting kills :) Those are some game mode ideas but there
Weather such as Thunder, Rain, even snow on some maps. It will change how you play the round, get to the objective. Thunder will illuminate locations with lightning for a good few seconds, it will also have rain which could quiet or even silence, footsteps, window breaking, gunshots, etc.
customize room size
smaller teams = less ground covered = higher need for communication & tactics = better game (on small maps like cliffside & oceanside)
Add stars to the night versions of official maps
Some odd stars dotted around night versions of maps like Riverside and Mountainside would look really nice
Sleep takedowns
Right now, the only non lethal way to incapacitate someone is to arrest them. Doing so can be annoying because the arrested individual might scream like a toddler until you have to use lethal force. Which brings me to the mechanic idea I’ve got: sneaking up on people and putting them to sleep, either with chloroform or your bare hands. It’d incapacitate a player as if they were arrested, but it’ll also make their vision/hearing limited, and disable their voice/text chat. Maybe after a minute and a half the player would wake up, but be arrested. Maybe it’d get people
Rappel go along ^
You can have 3 rappels at max and after you use one it'll be a seperate model making it stationary so everyone can use the previous one you just did, this can also be an alert for the guards to know intruders have past by.
Rapelling down buildings
If you can get an item at the start that you have to pick up, like bush costume or banana, you can use it to rappel down (or up if you are only a few ft from the roof) the side of a building? I think this would add depth letting you enter from windows that would otherwise be inaccesible.
tasks to get more xp
Maybe add tasks for the player to do eg. Arrest 25 people, hack 20 computers, kill 8 people with a sniper. This would add more ways for people to get xp, especially guards who can only kill and arrest to get more xp.
Doorkicking mechanic to breach rooms
Doorkicking unlocked doors to fling them open. Maybe even knock you down if you’re on the wrong side of the door.
Dragging incapacitated and dead teammates body's.
This can be used for possibly saving each others lives and dragging dead bodys out of the way since they often get stuck on a door. This feature can also be used for stealth, dragging deceased bodys out of the way so the enemy team won't know. The dragging can have a seperate animation dragging the persons neck collar and preventing you from zooming in with a gun.